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It’s time to blur the edge between real and virtual 

We no longer turn to a brand only for its products or services. We connect with a brand because it embodies values and shares a story that resonates with us. We pay attention to its mission and the experience, which we always want to be more personalized. 

The primary touchpoints in the purchasing journey of the new generation are online. Driven by this understanding, we created Sphr to develop digital 3D experiences as breathtaking as physical ones. Because digital communication must be playful and interactive.

This is what the new generation expects.

We often remember a context : a retail store, a spectacular event scenography.

But It's harder to leave a lasting impact online. Through our approach, we aim to redefine the norms of online experiences, moving away from infinite scrolling and giving control to users.


It's not about creating a fleeting trend around virtual brand experiences but integrating them strategically into a brand's holistic vision. This approach aims to create a new, engaging, unique, and limitless territory of expression.

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